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Top 10 Benefits of Mango | Mango Benefits | AMAZING HEALTHY FOODS | HEALTH TIPS | QUICK HEALTH

Top 10 Benefits of Mango

10. Mango,  being high in calories and carbohydrates, is good for those who are trying to gain weight.

9. The phenolic compound found in mangoes has been found to have powerful antioxidant and anticancer properties.

8. Being high in iron, mango is said to be very good for pregnant women as well as for people suffering form anemia.

7. Mango is believed  to be effective in relieving clogged pores of the skin.

6. The vitamin A (beta carotene), vitamin E and selenium present in mangoes provide protection against heart disease.

5. Mangoes have been found to be quite helpful in the treating acidity and poor digestion.

4. It is being said that the Vitamin E present in mango helps hormonal system function more efficiently and thus, boots sex life.

3. The anti -inflammatory properties of mango might help alternative asthma symptoms.

2. Mango, being high in calories and carbohydrates, is good for those who trying to gain weight

1. The phenolic compound in the Mangoes has been found to have powerful antioxidant and anticancer properties.   


This videos are informational and educational purpose only, If you have questions about food, diet, nutrition, natural remedies or holistic health, please do your own research and consult with your health care practitioner. 

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